Work-place solutions with greener thinking embedded
Green Mark is an action driven and timeframe achievable accreditation for everyone. One of our members has achieved their Green Mark Level 1 within their first 3 weeks. This company is Docuflow, a business who provides work-place solutions, managed print devices, software and digital transformation services to organisations across the UK.
Deciding to act now was the Director of Docuflow who signed the company up to our accreditation because of the pressure from clients asking more and more if they had a green/sustainable accreditation and his interest in being greener. Through this process, they also gained valuable insight into their company and saw where they were doing well and areas that needed a little help.
As a company they had policies in place that were already making an impact, such as their assets give off low levels of carbon and are energy efficient, whilst also having a long-standing flexible hybrid/work from a home policy that meant their Scope 3 emissions were reduced due to people not travelling in each day of the week. Whilst through our framework they also gained insight into the need for more thorough recycling programmes, reduction in sales team travelling to clients and transferring to an online sales platform, documentation of their sustainable/ green practices and implementing a team to spearhead this journey and help their company overall to cut back on its carbon footprint.
The team at Docuflow were proud of what they were achieving already and having a minimal impact on the environment around them with the Green Mark team helping them through the process and being available to answer the questions when they had them, they were able to streamline their journey to be achieved within record time.
Project lead from Docuflow, D Webster says
We’ve been really impressed with the help from the Green Mark team. Submitting first time, didn’t pass but the notes from the auditors were really thorough and helped me to work around it and achieve the goal set by our company to achieve our accreditation fast
With this achievement of Green Mark Level 1, the impact of their business has begun to be documented and they are now reviewing other areas of their operations to see where they can put in place an action plan and see what needs further change, planning ahead, and what they have also done well to champion within their industry.
You can find their website here.