Green Mark laying down green roots for the empowerment of sustainable businesses
Green Mark is an accreditation that is always working to empower our community to help them begin their journey and then establish and develop their sustainability goals. The Green Mark team has recently caught up with Twiflex a SME manufacturer, that specialises in braking technologies.
So, what is motivating you to succeed on your sustainability journey?
We at Twiflex have been striving to use our resources wisely, this has been enshrined into our business from the beginning through our Lean Manufacturing techniques, it’s also common sense for modern businesses to practice this. Alongside this we have been encouraging our employees and they also do it in return to us, to recycle and reuse what we use at work so we can reduce our utilities and waste.
Great news about achieving your Level 1, what a journey you must be proud?
I’m hugely proud of our team, who have got behind our sustainability journey and made it what it is today, and allowing us to put our actions into one coherent plan for the future, and also opening up the scope for it to be developed further in the future.
Off the back of achieving this, what’s next?
We would like to encourage biodiversity back to our place of work, we are hoping to implement more green areas around our site to encourage this back. Whilst improving our site is important, we also want to be more sustainable for ourselves, both at work and at home for the benefit of our workplace and also our local community.
Anything else that you’ll be looking at doing?
Our team has identified some areas that we can go further on and one of these is recycling, our shop floor has waste that needs to be sorted into the correct bins to make sure they are able to be recycled. Another area we are currently looking into is a solar array, this would be placed on our factory roof, so that we can source our own clean energy and reduce our impact further, check back to see.
The Green Mark team like to see our community strive to be better in their business practices through the implementation of our framework as it shows that Green Mark is helping them to progress, be proud, and champion what they are achieving.
You can find Twiflexs website here.